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What's Missing in Your Work?








Is it you?

When we are out of alignment with who we truly are, it can be difficult to show up at our best in our work.


Authenticity starts with a deep knowledge of ourselves. This knowledge can dispel the fear that we have about putting ourselves out there. It can give us the courage and confidence to be a commanding presence at work, and to create and own our brand.


But how do we get in touch with our authentic selves? The demands of today’s busy world cause us to wear so many different masks that sometimes we lose the core of who we truly are: we forget ourselves in the midst of our busyness.

What is available to us when we are tapped into our true selves?


We find our courage, our confidence, our voice. We speak out authentically and we attract opportunities that resonate at the same frequency. But that can’t happen if we are lost within ourselves.

Exploring the archetypes is a powerful way to get in touch with our authentic selves. The archetypes are universal patterns of energy that manifest in our lives.

They can be found in all forms of art… they frequently appear in movies and books because they tap into something unconscious that we all relate to at an intuitive level. Many archetypes you will easily recognize: The Hero, The Magician, The Joker. 

Each of us has a constellation of archetypes that have a profound influence on our lives. Bringing these energies to conscious awareness can be transformative.

Through one to one coaching you can go on a journey to meet your own unique constellation of archetypes. You can find out which of these energies are available to support you and how they can manifest in your life. Working directly with the archetypes opens up new possibilities for insight, wisdom, and action.


You may find that:

  • You are having difficulty showing up fully in all aspects of your work
  • You feel confused about some part of your work, especially as it relates to marketing your ideas and influencing others
  • You are getting derailed by old stories
  • Some aspect of your work is feeling harder than you expected it to

Here’s what you can have instead:

  • The courage and confidence to step forward into all aspects of your work, fully owning it
  • Clarity around your personal branding
  • The insight to rewrite your old stories and deliberately craft your future
  • The ability to tackle all aspects of your work with greater ease and acceptance
  • A rekindling of the enthusiasm and excitement that got you into your career in the first place

I’m Kira Swanson, a Certified Life Coach, Certified Archetypal Consultant (Caroline Myss), and Archetypal Pattern Reader (Assisi Institute). I have a BA in Psychology from Carleton College, an MBA from Duke University and a PhD in Organizational Systems at Saybrook University where I also studied consciousness and mythology. 

I’m passionate about psychology because it gives us insights about ourselves that can be life transforming. I’ve experienced that myself… ideas that unlock hidden dimensions of the self in such a profound way that you can’t go back to how things used to be. For me, no element of psychology has been more enriching than tapping into the wisdom of the archetypes.

A fellow traveler awakened me to the presence of Jupiter and Saturn in my life: they are contrasting influences (Jupiter is expansive, creative, and bold while Saturn is contracting, serious, and disciplined). These polar opposites were driving me crazy until I learned how to honor their contributions in my life and figured out how to get these forces working together.


Let’s find out which archetypes are accompanying you on your life’s journey.

Stephanie S.

Kira’s recommendations and strategies made a significant impact in my business and personal life. She is engaging, fun to work with and she has a wealth of knowledge and experience. I enjoyed our conversations because she speaks from the heart and I felt that she truly cared about me. In my opinion, she is a student of life and has done the research to backup her coaching. I highly recommend Kira!

Archetypal Activation

I offer one-to-one coaching to support your exploration of the archetypes. 

We are each encoded with a constellation of 12 archetypes who accompany us on our life’s journey. Coming face to face with these energies allows us to make conscious choices about how we deploy their powers in our lives.

Seven sessions, including a Sacred Contracts Reading, a deck of Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss, and a customized 20+ page archetypal reading report.

Consists of an overview of your natal chart and half an hour of coaching dedicated to each of your 12 archetypes.

You'll walk away with a deep understanding of your motivations, hidden desires, and unconscious sabotages and how to work more effectively with each of them.

I am an Archetypal Consultant certified by Caroline Myss.


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