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Love Monday Blog

Are You a Sellout?: The Prostitute Archetype archetypes selling out the prostitute archetype Jan 06, 2022

OK, now don’t get mad at me, but you’re probably a Prostitute.

I don’t mean that people pay you to have sex with them. I mean it in a broader, archetypal sense.

The Development of the Prostitute Archetype

We all start playing the role of the Prostitute when we are...

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What Your Archetypes Reveal About You archetypes consciousnesss prostitute in the 7th house self knowing sell out the prostitute archetype Aug 02, 2021

Anyone who has ever sought to change themselves has encountered the advice: “Know thyself.” It is perennial wisdom, espoused by the likes of Socrates, Shakespeare, Jung, and Pythagoras. In pursuit of that esteemed inner self-knowledge, people frequently turn to personality...

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