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Love Monday Blog

Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams, Pt. 3 career advice career coaching emotions goal setting goals realizing your dreams Dec 14, 2021

Today, we will wrap up the series that explores this idea: Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.

I’ll quickly recap what we’ve covered in the previous two articles (Part I, Part II) before diving into the best part: the antidotes!

I got the phrase, Discomfort is the...

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Discomfort is the Currency of Your Dreams, Pt. 1 career advice career coaching emotions goals realizing your dreams Nov 28, 2021
The Sopranos as Therapy

I’ve been binge watching The Sopranos for the last several weeks. That wasn’t an option back in the 90s/00s when it originally aired. I’ve seen most of it before, but what I’m struck by now is how strangely relevant the show is to my life and...

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