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Love Monday Blog

Reflections from a Corporate Mystic career advice career coaching career satisfaction consciousnesss corporate mystic find your purpose job dissatisfaction meaningful work reframing Aug 21, 2022

When you don’t feel like an excellent fit with your work, the work day can seem like a drag. In today’s blog, I want to suggest a helpful reframe that might make your experience much more tolerable. Dare I suggest, fun, even?


When I worked in a corporate environment, I...

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Your Perspective Changes Everything consciousnesss mindset personal development perspective point of view viewpoint Aug 17, 2021

You don’t go around challenging the Law of Gravity much, do you? Most of us know exactly what will happen if we step out of a ninth-story window. But at the same time, we are unwittingly courting trouble through our lack of knowledge about many other natural laws that govern our planet....

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What Your Archetypes Reveal About You archetypes consciousnesss prostitute in the 7th house self knowing sell out the prostitute archetype Aug 02, 2021

Anyone who has ever sought to change themselves has encountered the advice: “Know thyself.” It is perennial wisdom, espoused by the likes of Socrates, Shakespeare, Jung, and Pythagoras. In pursuit of that esteemed inner self-knowledge, people frequently turn to personality...

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